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Tickled Pink Page 13

  The dads were busy talking and nodded in their direction. His mother shook her head. “There may not be a Toys for Tots toy drive party this year. So sad.”

  “I heard,” his wife commented. “So you’re short an event planner?”

  Her mother shook her head. “And all the good ones will be busy—I’m doomed. Everyone loves my parties.”

  Wow, heavy on the dramatics.

  He exchanged a glance with Toni and she let out a slow, deliberate sigh. “Do you want me to call Felix?”

  Both mothers turned to her and blinked. His mom’s expression held awe. “Felix? As in Felix Heinrich?”

  Toni nodded. “That would be him.”

  Richard remembered the name; the guy who had helped them with the coins for her father’s office. “I take it he’s a big deal?”

  “Richard!” Connie Deluca rolled her eyes. “Felix Heinrich is the ultimate event planner. Booked up for months, sometimes a year in advance.”

  His mom beamed. “I can’t believe you know him.”

  “Know him I do, I attended all three of his commitment ceremonies and a wedding.” She turned to Richard. “And you thought you had commitment issues? He just recently got a divorce from his husband and last I heard was dating a younger guy.”

  His mouth broke into a grin. “Charming.” He didn’t mean to be sarcastic. It didn’t bother Richard that Felix was gay, actually he liked the idea. He needed the break from men hitting on Toni, the one downside to a pretty wife with a killer shape.

  “There is no way he’ll be free!” his mother exclaimed in the same tone she would use if the world was coming to an end.

  Erick surfaced with the drinks and Toni swiped hers up immediately and sipped. She studied the two older women then reached into her purse. She removed her cell phone and sighed. She took another sip of the wine and cast a leveled glance. “I can’t promise, but since I am paying him extremely well for my Pink & White Gala next year, he owes me a huge favor. I’ll call him.”

  His mom’s lashes fluttered as she blinked in disbelief. “You have him on speed dial?” She turned to Toni’s mother. “If she can get him, everything will be amazing—I can’t believe she knows Felix.”

  Richard lifted his drink and exchanged a grimace with Piper who had remained remarkably quiet. She had noticed right away that he and Toni had been holding hands. Since his sister and wife talked regularly, he suspected she knew the changes that had transpired in their relationship. He had to admit, he slept a lot better now that he and Toni shared a bed. He loved waking up next to her and though things had shifted to a committed relationship, he found himself enjoying it.

  Toni punched the number on her phone and waited. “Felix, how are you, darling?”

  There was a pause.

  “Oh that’s fabulous. An Alaskan cruise. Listen, I need to collect on that favor.” She giggled at something he said and shot the mother’s a narrowed glare. “My mother and mother-in-law have hit a teeny snag with one of their charity events.” Silence then Toni shook her head. “No actually its two weeks before Christmas.” She pulled the phone away from her ear and he could hear the rant coming from the other end of the phone. “I’ll pay you double and redo your living room.”

  Silence stretched. He couldn’t believe both the older women were hanging on the conversation with baited breath.

  “Wonderful. Why don’t you swing by the offices of Stewart Locke Investments and you can meet Richard.” She giggled again. “My deliciously hunky husband is fine; he’s looking forward to meeting you.”

  But not so sure I like another man referring to me as deliciously hunky.

  “Great, I’ll see you then. Kisses to you too.” She ended the call and stared at the mothers. “All right, the day is saved; you have Felix doing your party for you.” She then turned to him and cast a smile that warmed him down to his groin.

  Oh yeah, he should have stayed at home alone with her and the kittens—that he was becoming quite fond of.

  “Felix is going to swing by the office Monday. Maybe we can take him to lunch?”

  Richard smiled, normally he didn’t take time off for socializing, but considering Felix was a good friend of Toni’s, he’d make the exception. “That can definitely be arranged.” Time to shock the mothers even more. He leaned in and placed a light kiss on his wife’s lips. “Anything for you.”

  Toni met his gaze and again, things changed slightly between them. “Thank you,” she whispered as they stared into each other’s eyes. Richard knew then and there, maybe a sentence of marriage was the best thing that could have happened to him.

  Toni woke from her sleep and discovered Richard wasn’t in bed. She glanced at the clock on his nightstand. It was almost 11:30 at night. Sitting up, she glanced around the bedroom and noticed his clothes on the floor where she’d thrown them when she had taken them off of him earlier. He couldn’t have gone far. She tossed the covers back, grabbed his white dress shirt off the floor, and pulled it over her naked body.

  As she walked out of the room and down the hallway, she did the buttons up. A faint light cascaded from the kitchen and she wandered over to the room’s entrance. Richard stood in black silk pajama bottoms at the island. He looked lost in thought as he stacked cheese, crackers and smoked salmon into a tower on his plate.

  “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?”

  He straightened and turned to her. His heated gaze slid over her body and a lazy smile dusted his lips. “You’re in my shirt—sexy, I like it.”

  She nodded and glanced down at how it barely covered her. “I am.” Toni crossed the floor over to where he stood and studied him a minute. “Are you okay?”

  His arm went around her waist and he pulled her against his solid and well-muscled torso. “Just thinking.”

  She grinned and placed her hands on the smooth tanned skin of his chest. “Don’t tell me, you’re upset over Felix disliking another one of your ties?”

  Her husband chuckled. “No, though I’m seriously thinking of getting new ones.”

  Her brows went up. “No offense, but not without me or Felix present.”

  Richard laughed again and placed a light kiss against her mouth. “I promise.”

  The last week had been complete chaos, between going shopping with Piper, Lauren, and Kayla on Black Friday, to Felix showing up at the office Monday, to spending countless hours with him, her mother and Mona over the Toy drive party. In between all that, she had managed lunch with Piper and Kayla and had gotten a good start on the renovations for the offices. Richard had been a saint through it all and she was glad he and Felix got along. Even if Felix criticized every tie her husband wore and he found Felix to be more dramatic than both their mothers—put together. However the two men talked, laughed and joked like old friends.

  Ever since the incident with Hank, Richard would check on her throughout the day and she was sure he had said something to Chris, because whenever the lowlife surfaced, one of the other men made damn sure they stayed close. Whatever friendship had been between Richard and Hank was over and her husband had gotten rude with the scumbag twice during the week.

  She still savored every time she was in his arms. “So what are you thinking about that has you building towers?”

  He shook his head and sighed as if the weight of the world sat on his shoulders. “I was thinking about work and a future client—only things seem kind of impossible and I highly doubt they will come on.”

  Toni frowned and stepped out of his arms. She reached for his water bottle and sipped the cold liquid. “What’s going on?” She thought back to a couple of weeks ago when she thought he was cheating and remembered her conversation with Piper. “The big fish? The one you won’t even talk to Piper about.”

  “Sad, huh? Piper’s incredible with business and worked at the company up until she had Lauren. She is brilliant in finance.” He glanced at the tower then again met her gaze. “I’ve been talking with a representative from Sing
h Capital Trust.”

  She wracked her brain and couldn’t place them. “I know the name, just not sure from where.”

  “They own office buildings, luxury condominium communities and three large hotel casinos in Atlantic City, Macau and Monte Carlo.” He removed the water from her hands and sipped. “They’ve been looking at joint venturing with an investment company for over a year, as well as investing with them. So far, none have been to their liking—or up to their standards. Mrs. Singh is extremely picky who she does business with. She doesn’t care how successful a company is, she looks at the owners and their moral character.”

  Toni understood. “And what you’re saying is, that there is no hope in hell of having them as a client with Hank being scum—”

  “Not to mention he cheats on Patricia every chance he gets.” The disdain and disapproval in his tone wasn’t hard to miss. She knew Richard took his wedding vows seriously—sentence or not.

  She blanched. “Lovely.” Her opinion of Hank lowered again. The man was such a douchebag. “I haven’t met her yet. However, I did meet his grandfather today.”

  “Ah, yes good ole Sam.” Richard smirked and lifted a brow. “He was my grandfather’s best friend. What did you think of him?”

  “Well he tore out of the elevator on that motorized scooter of his. Smacked my butt on his way by and said I was mighty fine.” She giggled and remembered the incident. “I honestly thought Chris was going to use the nail gun to take out his tires. However, he sped off to go see Hank’s dad, who, I found out from your personal assistant, Mrs. Connell, that he’s marrying his current secretary. What does that make marriage number five?”

  Richard shook his head. “Nope. Number six.” Defeat worked its way across his handsome face. He then blew out a breath through pursed lips. “I don’t even know why I’m bothering.”

  Toni frowned. She didn’t like the way he was reacting to this and knew there was more to the situation than he was letting on. “Honey, you’re one of the smartest men I know. You wouldn’t still be communicating with the representative if you thought all was lost.”

  He nodded and glanced at the tower of food then met her gaze. “True. I just wanted to expand the company. We invest in things but don’t actually make or build anything. Stewart Locke Investments leaves it to other companies with ideas and/or existing products.”

  She digested his words and glanced at the salmon, cheese and crackers. Again she rested her attention on her husband. “Why do I get the impression you loved Lego as a kid?”

  “Because you’re as smart as you are beautiful.” He leaned in and her lashes fluttered closed as he claimed her mouth in a kiss. His teeth gently nibbled her lower lip before his tongue teased hers. She caressed his skin and brought her hands to his shoulders as ringing filled her ears.

  Toni eased out of the kiss and her brows crinkled. “That’s my phone.” She stepped away from him and tried to remember where she’d left the device.

  “I think it’s on the dining room table.” Richard offered as she walked toward the other room.

  He took in his wife’s backside as she hurried out of the kitchen. Talking to her helped, though he still had his doubts about Singh Capital Trust. Maybe, things would work out. Mr. and Mrs. Singh were due back in the country in February. Maybe he should push for a meeting with them.

  “Kayla, slow down sweetie, what’s wrong?” Toni again entered the kitchen with a troubled expression and her phone to her ear. “Oh God, I’m so sorry.”

  Fear ripped through Richard’s heart. Kayla and Andrew had become close friends over the last couple months and he was grateful to them both for being there for him and Toni.

  “Hang on, he deals with China all the time, let me ask.” Toni met his gaze and he could tell she was past upset. “How’s your Mandarin?”

  “Pretty good, considering I probably speak it ten to fifteen hours a week.” He didn’t like the way this conversation was headed. “Sweetheart, what’s going on?”

  “Andrew’s brother and sister-in-law were killed in an accident overseas where they’ve been doing some sort of missionary work.” She struggled to keep her composure. “A government agent just showed up with their nephew. Andrew’s Mandarin is shaky at best.”

  Richard stood stunned. A bucket of ice water poured over his head wouldn’t have chilled him as much as the words Toni had just spoken. “Tell them we’re on our way.”

  “Kayla, just relax honey, Richard and I are on our way over.” She paused and nodded. “Yeah, we can do that. Of course. No problem. All right, tell Andrew to breathe, we’ll be there shortly.” She ended the call and blinked at him with grief and another emotion he couldn’t identify.

  “How horrible, I feel terrible for them.”

  Toni nodded and shook her head as if still in disbelief. “We need to stop and grab a couple toys and some clothes size seven.”

  He thought for a moment and narrowed his gaze. “And where are we going to get those at almost midnight? Nothing is open.”

  She winced and snickered then smiled sweetly. “Not true, there is a store open.”

  His mouth fell open when he realized to where she was referring. “No, oh hell no.”

  “Honey, the child has nothing and is probably scared. Andrew is a mess, Kayla’s a wreck—”

  “They have a website dedicated to the people who shop there and their terrible fashion choices—they make my bad ties look like heaven.” He shook his head. “No.”

  She stepped closer to him and a wicked grin curved her full mouth. “Richard honey, we don’t have any other options, and I don’t have time to get on my knees and convince you otherwise.”

  His groin stiffened at the thought of her taking him in her mouth. “I can’t believe you just said that.” He started to get hard and knew they needed to get going. “Fine, you can demonstrate your convincing skills when we get back.”

  Toni quickly brushed her lips against his. “One teensy favor.”

  He smiled and knew he was going to regret the response. “Sure, anything.”

  “No staring, gawking or making any snide comments about the store or the bizarrely dressed.”

  She knows me too well.

  He sighed and nodded. “Fine, let me go get changed.”

  Her mischievous giggle filled the kitchen. “Just throw on an old t-shirt and flip flops and you should be good to go.”

  “That isn’t funny.” Richard couldn’t control the chuckle despite his statement. “You owe me for this and despite how tempting the thought is, I think I’ll put on regular clothes.”

  Toni shrugged. “Just remember to behave.”

  No problem, how bad could it be?

  Chapter Nine

  Kids, toys and marital joys…

  I don’t think I have ever seen so many Christmas ornaments in one place outside a Macy’s Parade.

  Richard glanced around the store and gaped in awe. Between the bright fluorescent lighting and the stacked displays, he wasn’t sure if he was in a grocery store or a department store. A large woman walked by in God-awful neon tights and a tank top. The world would have benefited had she decided to wear a bra and run a comb through her hair. Naturally, she wore bright orange flip-flops and pushed a cart on by in such a hurry one would think they were giving stuff away for free.

  “Honey, what did I tell you about gawking?”

  He turned to Toni and chuckled. It was either laugh or suffer shell shock. “The rumors are true about this place.”

  She inhaled and slowly let out a breath. “Let’s not stand in the doorway. We need to grab some clothes and a couple toys. So we can get over to Kayla and Andrew’s.”

  He glanced around the store. There sure was a lot of blue and yellow on the signs with little round happy faces and rollback printed on them. As long as they were happy, because so far from what Richard had seen, he wasn’t amused—nor did he want to be here and wanted to rollback right out of the store.

  His gaze shifted to the cart T
oni had in front of her. How much stuff could a seven-year-old need to warrant a cart? He stared at the large metal basket then met her dark brown gaze. “Do we really need this?”

  She shook her head and smiled, obviously taking a small amount of pleasure from his misery. “Keep it up and I won’t let you come to the toy department with me.”

  He loved her comebacks. She really had been a breath of fresh air in his life, and he was crazy about her. “I like toys, and we’re definitely getting the kid Legos.”

  “Well then, try to tolerate this or I’ll send you back out to the car.”

  He debated that statement and though it was tempting, he also knew she was stressed for Andrew and Kayla. “Let me push, you figure out where boys clothing and toys are.”

  Toni smiled and placed a hand on his arm. “Thank you.”

  All he could do was nod. She had faint dark circles under her eyes and she should be sleeping but instead, here they stood in a discount department store shopping and then making a house call to friends, who no doubt, had their world turned upside down.

  He blinked at the woman before him and studied her a minute. “You have a good heart.”

  Surprise fluttered across her pretty face and her smile broadened. “You’re just saying that, so you can get Legos too.”

  Richard shrugged. “Maybe.” He then chuckled as she rolled her eyes and headed down a wide aisle.

  Sure enough they found the toy department thanks to the large sign hanging from the ceiling. He couldn’t believe how much things had changed. The only child in his life had been Lauren, and girls tended to have different tastes than boys. She was now a teenager and into…he wasn’t sure what, but knew it wasn’t toys.

  Toni stood in the middle of the aisle and for the first time since the Elvis impersonator at the chapel from hell—looked overwhelmed. “I don’t even know what he’s into,” she whispered.

  For every hurt he may have ever caused her, he knew at this moment, she could really use help. Even if she wasn’t asking. “Oddly enough, I was a seven year old boy at one time.” He stepped over to a shelf and grabbed a large bucket of Legos. He dropped it in the cart.