Laws of Love Page 6
She turned from the entry, but left it open. The thorn in her side would be leaving within seconds “Anthony, now isn’t a good time.”
He spun around and settled a deadly glare on her.
She let go of the doorknob and crossed her arms over her chest. The man was truly a prick.
“You haven’t returned my calls.”
Her anger sparked and she wanted to pick him up and toss him out, like a bag of garbage. “You were rude, insulting, and frankly, beyond unprofessional. I have nothing to say to you. We can say everything we need to say to each other in court, in front of a judge.”
“I hate your attitude, and I admit that I’m surprised you don’t have someone from city council over here, entertaining them to see things your way.”
All calm disappeared. “Get the hell out of my place.”
“You are going to lose this case. Be warned, I‘m going to make sure you never practice law again.”
What the hell?
“Why? Because you can’t rise to a challenge, or because you would rather take out the opposition since it’s the only way you can win? At least I know where your son got his dishonest ways. You hated me when I won the environmental case; I wonder if it was because your son had been taking bribes and honesty prevailed, or if it was because it made him look bad losing to a woman.”
“You’re a bitch Abigail.”
“Right, I think you’ve called me that enough. Get out and save all further comments for the judge.”
His demeanor changed and his expression changed from angry to seething. “I’m not leaving here. Not until we get a few things straight.”
She didn’t trust the man in front of her and she started to get nervous. “There is nothing to discuss, get out!”
“If you think I’m going to lose this case to you, think again.” He stepped closer to her and her heart started to race in a very bad way. She didn’t like the look in his eyes. “You aren’t going to destroy my career like you did my son’s.”
Swallowing hard, she refused to show the arrogant ruthless ass her fear. “Your son broke client confidentiality; he ruined his own career.”
“And you reveled all the way to a win and a lot of money.” The tone of his voice chilled her blood and sent a shiver down her spine.
Abby inhaled deeply. She wanted the man gone, and not just because he was making her nervous, she didn’t want to discuss the case or the past. “Your son resented my success, you overreacted, and not being part of your family was the best move I ever made. Now, leave.”
“I’m not leaving.”
“Actually,” a deep baritone voice called from the door. “You are.”
She turned and blinked. As happy as she was to see Jack, could he possibly have had worse timing? “What are you doing here?”
He never took his eyes off the other man. “I was about to ask Anthony the same question.”
Chapter 7
Jack was furious to see Anthony standing in Abby’s apartment hassling her. He was starting to have serious issues with the man. “Leave, Anthony.”
“Why? I was talking to Ms. Crosby.”
He slid his tongue across his teeth. The anger he had experienced at lunch came back as he studied the distinguished-looking man and wondered what the hell his father was thinking, having this man as his attorney. Anthony may be a good attorney, but Jack didn’t like him as a person. Stepping further into the room, he cast a quick glance to Abby, who bounced her blue eyes between them.
He turned to the other man and shook his head. “Why should you leave? You have no business being here, for one, and second, I believe Abby asked you to.”
Anthony’s brows shot up. “Abby, huh?” He turned and scowled at her. “So, you figure instead of sleeping with City Council, you would go right to the source?”
“That’s it!” He lunged toward Anthony and Abby jumped between them.
“Enough! Anthony, get the hell out of my house, or I will call the police and charge you with harassment.”
“Wait till your father hears about this.” The Hunter Industries attorney shot Abby a deadly glare and shoved past Jack toward the door. “You can bet he will find this fascinating, JW.”
“Get out!” Abby yelled. Raw emotion and fear tinged her words, and though she didn’t turn, Jack did to make sure that Anthony truly crossed over the threshold and out of her life until court the next day.
“Just leave,” Jack warned him again.
The front door slammed behind Anthony, and Jack sighed with relief. Normally, he wasn’t one to eavesdrop, but hearing the conversation outside of the apartment door had provided opportunity. He’d been surprised to find the door open, hear Anthony’s voice, and to find Abby not only in her robe, but sounding hostile. He had to give her credit, though. She’d handled it better than he was going to, and if she hadn’t stepped between him and the other attorney, it would have been ugly.
Abby’s heavy sigh caused him to turn from the closed door. She looked exhausted and, yet, she still smiled. “I thought it was the paper boy.”
“Wow, were you ever wrong.” He grinned weakly.
“I was hoping it would be you.” She glanced over to the coffee table and hesitated. She furrowed her brows. “I’m having a coffee heavily laced with Irish Cream; would you like one?”
He should say no, but since he had come over here—why had he come over here? He had spent the afternoon with her. “I would love one.”
Abby pivoted and walked toward the kitchen. “We have court tomorrow afternoon. What brings you by? I thought we covered everything earlier today.”
“We did.” Slipping off his suit jacket, he tossed it over the back of one of the dining room chairs then loosened his tie as she stepped around the kitchen getting his coffee. The tie came off and he tossed it over the chair too. “I had a couple questions.”
“Oh, about?”
Think, Jack!
He unbuttoned the cuffs of his sleeves and rolled them up as she turned around and walked over with a steaming mug.
She glanced from him to the chair and back. “What are you doing?”
“Getting comfortable.” He loved the look of surprise on her face and was curious as to what she had on under the robe, but knew there was no way he would be going there. They were in business mode, though he liked them better when they were being personal. “Thanks.” He took the coffee from her hand.
“You’re welcome. And your questions were?”
Being near her soothed his troubled heart, but he knew they had a long way to go to make things better between them. “Why were you hoping that it was me at the door?”
Sighing heavily, she walked past him over to the coffee table and picked up her mug. By the look on her face, he knew she was debating her answer.
“Yeah, I was hoping it was you, though I shouldn’t have been. You shouldn’t be here, and now Anthony Frost knows you’re here.” She winced and her expression turned to one of sorrow. “I can just imagine what he’ll be saying.” Abby sipped her coffee as he stepped closer to where she stood.
“Don’t worry about Anthony.” He wanted to reach out and take her in his arms. More than anything he wanted to tell her everything was going to be okay.
“He really has it out for me.”
Jack looked over his mug at her. “I heard. Yesterday you left out the part about the bribes and everything else your ex-fiancé was involved in.”
“It wasn’t important. He isn’t important.” Flopping down on the sofa, she lifted her foot so her pink polished toes curled around the edge of the coffee table. Abby was beautiful, and right now she was incredibly cute as she stared at the toenail polish, looking like a little girl.
Jack’s heart tightened. He wanted to comfort her and make her feel better, but didn’t want her to push him away. Maneuvering around the coffee table, he sat down next to her. “Why are you representing them for free?”
Abby lifted her gaze and stared at him over her mug. “Becaus
e I don’t need the money, and they shouldn’t be short on rent and food in order to fight to keep a roof over their head.” She sipped her coffee again and was quiet for a moment. “Was that the only question?”
“No. I came to find out if we were possible after court tomorrow.” He had hesitated, but managed to get the words out. For being a powerhouse businessman, he certainly wasn’t coming across that way.
She sat her mug on the table and leaned forward, closer to the edge of the sofa. “I don’t know; I think this would always be between us.” Standing and pacing the floor, the terry robe hugged her waist and looked as sexy as any sheer nightgown. She stopped and looked at him. “You shouldn’t even be here. This whole mess goes to court tomorrow.”
That was the very thing he had been waiting for, hoping it wouldn’t come, the gentle shove to the door. He didn’t want to go. He wanted to be with her. Why was he doing this?
He sat the mug on the coffee table as he rose from the sofa. Walking over to the chair, he reached for his coat and tie. She was so beautiful, and just out of his reach. He turned and started to walk to the door, then stopped and glanced back at her. “If there was no Gibson Street, what would you do?”
Abby pursed her lips together and blew out a long breath, sending a wisp of her hair flying. Jack shook his head and slowly turned the knob. He shouldn’t have come here and he felt worse now than he had before.
What the hell am I thinking?
Abby crossed the room and leaned against the oak, closing the door. “I don’t like this any better than you. I’m just as unhappy. I even admitted to myself that I missed you tonight. Jack, if things were different—but they aren’t.”
He glanced at the door knob then returned his gaze to her. His expression had become totally unreadable. She wanted him to say something, anything at this point.
What is he thinking?
“What if, just for tonight, we pretend there is no Gibson Street project? That I’m just Jack and you’re just Abby.” He shook his head, darted a look to the window, then to the door before he glanced back. “I’ll even be gone before you wake up and tomorrow we’ll see what happens. If I win and you hate me, fine, and if you win, I’ll not hold the fact that I lost millions of dollars against you forever.”
Confusion clouded her mind. “What are you asking for?”
“You. Abby, you were the first woman in a long time to accept me for myself. You didn’t know I had money. You didn’t know I was worth close to a billion dollars, and you didn’t know I own a Maserati and lost my license for thirty days for speeding. You saw just me and didn't care about anything else--”
“I knew how incredibly sexy you looked in your suits and how good you smelled.”
His smile turned wicked. “In all fairness, I wasn’t sure if you were a crack addict who really loved the Easter bunny, or the most amazing creature on earth. The point is you saw me—the person.”
Her heart cracked, she hated the mess they had effectively put themselves into. “I’m still seeing you, and I don’t want to hate you.”
“Then give me tonight and we’ll figure everything out tomorrow after the judge hears both sides.” He shoved a hand through his hair. “What do you think?”
That I should open this door and shove your hunky ass through it faster than I can blink
“I think that…” If the Gibson project didn’t exist, he’d be perfect, okay maybe not with his fast driving since she wasn’t one for speed, but she could work with that. They could and were really good together.
He closed his eyes.
Common sense has fled the building.
“I think you have too many clothes on.”
Jack’s eyes flew open. His stunned expression was endearing. Dropping the coat and tie from his hand, he scooped her up into his arms, catching her behind the knees. She was thrown off balance and threw her arms around his neck.
“Then I’m going to make every second count.” He carried her down the hall to the bedroom and tossed her on the bed.
She couldn’t control a giddy laugh. She watched him remove his shirt and let it fall to her bedroom floor. His body was incredible and she scooted off the bed as he removed the rest of his clothes. His length was hard and her hand gently caressed the smooth skin as she stepped closer. Pleasure etched itself on his handsome face and she curled her fingers around his throbbing maleness. She brought her other hand up to his cheek and softly kissed his lips. Her lips trailed down his throat and teased her free hand over his chest while the other stroked his erection.
Dropping to her knees in front of him, she continued her hand movement, and lowered her tongue toward the tip. She traced the top of the head with her tongue. He let out a hiss and his strong hands rested on her shoulders. She slid her hand down and took him deep into her mouth. While her tongue circled and played against him, her mouth and hand began a steady rhythm. His knees weakened and his grip tightened on her shoulders as she savored the taste of him. He rocked his hips, making love to her mouth.
She slid her lips and tongue over the skin, then removed her mouth. He groaned in pleasure, causing her to look up and smile. Slipping his arms down, he brought her to her feet, then tugged at the belt of her robe so it fell open. He shoved the terry from her shoulders as his eyes scanned her face. His lips claimed hers and she pressed her belly hard against him. His hands roamed and explored every inch of her as his tongue did the same to her mouth. Gently, he shifted her backward and lowered her to the bed.
Jack covered her body with his and her hands caressed his strong shoulders and back. Abby’s legs fell apart and she moaned as he teased her wet folds. She gasped when he entered, and her hands caressed his skin and grazed his thigh. He moved to his knees and she was able to grasp his hips in her hands. While his hands played with her nipples, her body tightened and the pressure across her stomach built. He moved hard and fast inside of her.
Lowering himself over her he slid his tongue between her teeth. Her tongue met his as her hips rocked in a steady beat to his powerful thrusts. She brought her hands up and laced her fingers through his hair. The climax broke free and she wailed against his mouth. Her walls tightened around him and he threw his head back. “Abby!” He called her name as the orgasm shot his release into her.
She struggled for breath and felt the gentle pulse as he emptied inside of her. His head fell on her chest softly and she held him for just a moment. His breath was shallow and fast. She tightened her hold on him as her mind started to work again. It wasn’t just incredible sex with Jack, it was all of him.
The question was, how she could keep him.
Jack stood next to the bed while Abby slept, fully dressed. He’d had an incredible night with an incredible woman. She shifted slightly and buried her nose against the pillow where his head had been. A small smile played across her lips and he memorized everything about the moment, wanting to be able to keep the image and remember her long after tomorrow destroyed them. Bitterness clawed at him. Part of him was angry that Abby hadn’t chosen him over the clients. The other part respected the fact she hadn’t.
Leaning down, he kissed her cheek then quietly left the apartment, making sure the door locked behind him. He wasn’t out of the building and already sadness settled over him. Tomorrow was court and everything would be decided then. Jack had called for the first time in days for the limousine. The car was waiting as he left the apartment and the driver opened the door.
Pausing, Jack turned and glanced up at the building.
How can I keep her?
Were the money and the project worth the emptiness in his heart?
Chapter 8
Abby couldn’t believe she was doing this today. She should have an adjournment until she could get some sleep and think straight. When she had awoken during the night, Jack had been gone. She’d cried half the night, feeling like a horrible lawyer, and wondering what the hell she was doing caring about him the way she did.
nce the tears had stopped, she pondered for hours if she was being fair to everyone involved. She was hurting, and he was hurting. Then there was the issue of representing her clients to the best of her capabilities with so many emotions riding on the case.
Jack had been disgruntled since they had walked into the courtroom. Abby had purposely avoided looking at him. Instead, she focused on the good. The amazing thing she was about to do for the people that lived in her old neighborhood.
The opposing attorney was another matter. Anthony Frost had been a first class jerk and still looked down his nose at her, and his greeting words had been low for her ears only.
“Well, Abigail, apparently this is one time where big business is going to knock you on your ass.” Raking his eyes over her, he looked down his nose. “Then again, you just might like that. God knows you have it coming. I don’t know who you blew to get this bumped to today, but your sexy body does nothing for me.”
She had remained a lady and smiled. “It didn’t do anything for your son either.”
Now she was here and wishing the situation hadn’t come this far. People needed affordable housing, but part of her needed Jack—needed and wanted. She had thought him different, had thought he would care, but he was just another guy in a suit that put money before everything. Including her, and what she stood for.
Both sides had given opening statements, and while she was moving forward, Jack had fidgeted in his seat and become more agitated by the moment. Her concentration faltered and she now stood facing the judge, feeling unsure of herself.
“Your honor, that is why the people feel—”
The legs of a chair shoved back and she glanced to Jack, who now stood and looked right at her. Her stomach flipped and her calm dissolved. “Tell me, Abby, is this more important to you than me?”
The gavel came down hard against the block. “Mr. Hunter, I will not tolerate disorder in my court.”