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Laws of Love Page 7

  Shut up, Jack, and let this be business. I don’t want this personal.

  Her stomach tightened and she knew it was too late. This whole thing was personal. Anthony’s anger towards her, her protecting her roots, or the closest thing she had to roots, and most of all, Jack and his big business and…And what?

  “Are you okay?”

  Abby turned to the graying woman next to her. “Fine.” If she was fine then why could she barely hear her own voice?

  “You may continue, Ms. Crosby.” Judge O’Neil’s voice revealed she was not amused.

  “Hunter Industries is known for buying property and turning it into commercial monstrosities. However, the area that they have chosen to set their current project is in an area—”

  “So that’s it!” Jack cut her off again. “It’s them!”

  Anthony stood and glared at Jack. “Be quiet and let me handle this.”

  “Shut the hell up!” he told the attorney with disgust.

  “Mr. Hunter!” Judge O’Neil slammed her gavel several times. “One more outburst and I’ll be forced to hold you in contempt.”

  Blinking, she willed herself to stay strong.

  What is running through his mind?

  “Fine,” Jack faced the judge. “Just let me finish.”

  The woman clutching the gavel frowned. “You are finished.”

  He turned from the judge. “Abby, please don’t do this.” She could hear the emotion in his voice. “Don’t ruin what we had and still can have—”

  “Mr. Hunter, I warned you. I hold you in contempt!” The gavel slammed down. “Bailiff, take him away.”

  The Bailiff stepped toward Jack, but he stepped away from him and darted closer to Abby. Her heart lurched to her throat. “No…”

  “Let me talk!” he snapped at the bailiff as he grabbed Jack’s arms and threw his chest against the table she had been sitting at. He had stopped struggling as another bailiff approached. They cuffed him then yanked him to an upright position.

  It was only by a force of nature that she didn’t cry. His dark eyes met her gaze and sadness reflected in them.

  “If the property means that much to you then I don’t want it.”

  The men walked Jack away from her.

  He shook his head and sadness turned to blatant grief on his handsome face. “I only want you, Abby.” He turned to his lawyer. “They can have it.”

  “JW?” Anthony bellowed with unmasked anger. “What has gotten into you?”

  “The boy has flipped his cracker, that’s what’s going on,” Mrs. Burlington told Abby quietly as the courtroom erupted into noise and chaos.

  Abby shot her a leveled look and glanced back at Jack as the Bailiff’s pushed open the door. “I love her,” he called to his attorney then looked at Abby. “I love you.” The doors fell shut and Jack was gone. She just stood there and stared. Her stomach rolled and fierce pricks started behind her eyes.

  “Love, yeah, that would cause some rich guy to give up that land. All for a woman that is standing here and refusing to admit that she loves him too.”

  Turning, Abby looked at Mrs. Burlington. “Why did you have to say that?”

  “Order in the court!” Judge O’ Neil banged her wooden hammer as Jack’s words sunk in. The courtroom settled and her stomach became turbulent. “Counsel, approach the bench.”

  “She ain’t happy.”

  “Gee, you think?”Abby glanced at Mrs. “Peanut Gallery” Burlington, tossed her pen down on the table, and walked up to the bench where Jack’s attorney was standing.

  “I must say, Ms. Crosby, this has been a three ring circus.” The judge turned to defense. “As for you, Mr. Frost, your client was out of line. Would you like court to recess until Mr. Hunter is able to join us?”

  “No, as per my client’s instructions and his poor judgment, we will not be taking any further course and will allow the plaintiffs to stay on the property.” The lawyer from hell scowled at her then returned his attention to the judge.

  Swallowing hard, she shivered, never more thankful that she hadn’t married into that family. She had won—and lost. Looking at the judge, she waited for a decision.

  “Fine, I’ll see you both here at nine a.m. on Monday morning after the long weekend to discuss any punitive damages. Court is adjourned!” Slamming the gavel down again, the judge had said her piece and Abby turned.

  She plastered a smile on her face and walked over to Mrs. Burlington, who now stood talking to Abby’s mom. Struggling to find her voice, she digested everything that had happened. “You won. I have to come back on Monday and go over the details.”

  “I’m so proud of you.” Her mom leaned in and hugged her tight. “You did a good thing, Abby.”

  “You did a good thing, indeed.” Mrs. Burlington patted her back.

  If she had done such a great thing, why did she feel sick inside?

  Jack sat in the holding cell and rubbed his wrists. This wasn’t good, and his father wasn’t going to be happy. He couldn’t really fire his own son, could he? What did it matter? Jack had just walked away from millions of dollars of land. The Gibson Street project was now dead, and the punitive damages were going to run high. Not to mention, they now owned a block of low rental housing. That wasn’t the best investment. It wasn’t good at all. In fact, things looked bleak. Very effectively, he had not only lost a multi-million dollar project, but he had also lost Abby, which right now was worse than the money.

  He only liked money; he loved Abby;

  His heart fell. He was sick to his stomach and downright miserable. He looked over at an officer as he came to unlock the cell door. “Mr. Hunter, you can go. Your fine has been paid.”

  Jack blinked, then nodded, grabbed his suit jacket next to him, and walked out of the cell.

  The officer shut the door and led him to the front. “You’ll have to sign for your possessions. Just go over to the counter and get your things.”

  He slowly walked over and waited at the counter, wanting to go home and feel sorry for himself. Wallowing would have to wait since he still had to explain everything to his father. Tomorrow was a holiday so his father would have to wait until Monday to try fixing the decision Jack had made. Not that much could be done at this point. The damage was done. He gave the desk clerk his name and signed for his wallet, keys, and cell phone, then set the pen down and looked at the clerk behind the desk. “You don’t happen to know who bailed me out, do you?”

  The clerk smiled. “Of course, that lady right there.” He nodded and pointed behind Jack.

  His heart beat faster. Abby!

  He turned but didn’t see her and his spirits dampened when his eyes rested on the gray-haired lady that had been sitting behind Abby in court. She smiled warmly and walked towards him. “You look better than I thought you would.”


  “Hello, Mr. Hunter. I couldn’t leave you here after the display in the court room today.” She chuckled lightly. “I’m Anna Crosby, Abigail’s mother.” She extended a hand and he shook it both in gratitude and awe.

  “You can call me Jack. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Crosby.” He glanced around, even though he knew Abby wasn’t there.

  “She’s not here. I don’t know where she is. All I know is she isn’t answering her cell phone and she isn’t at her house.”

  He frowned. “Did you try her office?”

  “She’s not there either. Don’t worry, though. Why don’t we grab a bite to eat and wait for her to surface?” Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a key on an ‘I Love Mom’ key ring. “She has to come home sometime.”

  “That she does.” He smiled. “I’ve heard a lot of great things about you.”

  “And I, you. Of course, that was before she found out who you were. That’s not important now. This will give us a chance to talk.”

  “Yes, we need to talk.” He knew one thing that was true through time. You get in good with Mom, you get in good with the girl, and Jack wasn’t one t
o miss the opportunity of a lifetime.

  Abby couldn’t believe that Jack’s display had caused her such a whirlwind of emotions. Mrs. Burlington was right; she did love Jack. He was different. No one else would have sacrificed millions for the woman he loved. She also could bet that there would be hell to pay when his father found out. Richard Hunter was a tough cookie from what she had researched on him. That’s what had led her to his Beverly Hills office.

  Never in a million years had she expected him to be as sweet to her as he was. The time slipped away as they talked, and they had taken a drive to the neighborhood. She introduced him to the kids and discussed, without his attorney, a variety of things. Finding out about his humble beginnings was all it took. They talked like old friends about business, life, and love.

  “Abby, my son is lucky to have met you.” Richard told her as they walked into the police station. He opened the door for her, and after crossing the threshold, she paused and looked at him.

  “I love him.”

  He smiled and she saw so much of Jack in him. “I gathered. Not many women would come face me after costing me millions.”

  She grinned and nodded. “I have bigger balls than a lot of men.”

  “Then that makes you perfect for my boy because most women give into his good looks and charm.”

  Her heart fluttered despite the ache of missing Jack. “To his credit, he is charming.”

  Richard laughed and patted her back. “He’s also my son.” He winked. “Let’s go get him out.”

  They walked up to the desk clerk and she pulled a card from her pocket then set it on the desk. “Attorney Abigail Crosby inquiring about the bail amount for Jackson William Hunter?”

  The clerk took the card. “One moment, Ms. Crosby.” He typed something into a computer then walked over to another clerk.

  The other male clerk came over to her and smiled. “I’m sorry. Mr. Hunter is no longer here.”

  Blinking, Abby was sure she had misheard. She glanced at Richard. “Did Anthony bail him out?”

  “I doubt it; I fired Anthony Frost before he hit the courthouse steps.”

  “Oh.” She looked back to the clerk. “You’re sure that he has had bail posted?”

  The clerk nodded and looked hesitant. “Yeah, a woman came in and posted the bail in cash.”

  Abby’s heart slammed to the floor into a puddle. “A woman?”

  He nodded again and cast a bleak look. “Sorry.”

  While Abby struggled with her shock, the clerk walked away. She turned to his father and noticed he was studying her carefully.

  “I have no idea who it could be.”

  Abby shook her head and nodded. “Well, at least he’s probably at home.” She smiled. “I’ll make sure when court resumes on Monday, it’s postponed until you get legal counsel.”

  “No need. I know you’re a fair woman, and since you’re working for free, I know you’ll come up with something modest.” He smiled. “You sure convinced me of your legal ability. I’d offer you a job, but I have a feeling you’re happy where you are.”

  “Most days.” She didn’t tell him she wasn’t happy without Jack to herself.

  “Can I give you a lift home and have a driver bring your car to you in the morning?”

  Forcing a smile, she nodded. “That’s very sweet, thank you.”

  “I’m sure that my son does love you, Abby. The Gibson Street project was everything to him.” Richard chuckled. “But apparently not as important as you. Money comes and goes. Finding someone who loves you completely, that has no price.”

  Simply nodding, she wondered where Jack was and if he knew that she loved him too. She had money, but love? Well, Anthony’s son sure hadn’t loved her. Abby thought she had found it with Jack. He did tell her in a courtroom full of people that he did. The question was, had he meant it?

  Chapter 9

  Jack sat and talked to Anna Crosby for what seemed like hours. In truth, it had only been three. She talked about Abby as a girl and about being a foster parent. Jack found himself hanging on every word she spoke. Anna was a strong and smart lady, and he liked her more and more. His mind drifted to the clock and he wondered where Abby was and had started to worry. Every time he tried calling, her cell phone clicked right away to voice mail. She would know he had called since he left her three messages, called her office and left a message with her secretary, who hadn’t heard from her.

  “You’re quiet, Jack.”

  He sipped his coffee and glanced at Anna. “I guess I’m starting to worry where Abby could be.”

  She smiled warmly. “I hope Abby knows how lucky she is to have you.”

  “I almost ruined everything. My father probably hates me. Everything will be for nothing if she…”

  The sound of a key in the door of the apartment stopped his words and it opened. Abby walked in and stopped. She blinked at him then darted a surprised expression to her mother. “How…?”

  “I didn’t want him sitting in some cell, so I bailed him out.”

  Inhaling deeply, her shoulders lifted and she nodded. “I see. So you were the woman he left with?” Her lips twitched into a smile.

  “What other woman would I have left with?” Jack couldn’t believe the confident and headstrong woman had looked so insecure for a fraction of a second.

  She turned and shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Anna rose from the sofa and grabbed her coat off the back of the chair. “I think I should go.” She pulled on the jacket, kissed her daughter’s cheek and walked to the threshold. “Now that I know you’re home safe.” The door closed leaving Jack alone with the woman he loved.

  Slowly, Abby turned. She looked tired and miserable. Taking a step further into the room, she stopped. “I’m glad you’re out. I went to the police station, but they said that you left with a woman.”

  “Right.” Jack wanted to go to her and hold her, but he didn’t want her to push him away. Still, he stepped closer to where she stood. “I tried calling your office and there are three messages on your cell phone from me.”

  “My battery died and I didn’t have my charger.” She took another baby step. “What did the messages say?”

  “Not much, just that I was with your mom, and then the next one was telling you we were here.” He moved his foot forward and inched a little closer to her. “The last one was just to tell you I love you.” His voice went hoarse and he glanced at the elegant sheers over the window before he turned back.

  “Why did you do that in the courtroom today?”

  “Because I love you and it was the only way I could see us getting past the business and on to the personal. I know my father is going to kill me for it, but I don’t care. I kept thinking how you have money and you do all this good. I have a lot of money already and the Gibson Street project would make me more.” Shaking his head, he lowered his gaze to the floor.

  He was quiet a moment, remembering everything he had thought and felt, then he looked up. “Only the money wasn’t important anymore, because I didn’t have you to share it with.”

  Her lips curved into a smile. The simple gesture made her even more beautiful. “Your father isn’t going to kill you.”

  “Don’t be so sure.”

  “I’m pretty sure. I wanted to talk to him before you got out and let him know what an incredible guy you were, and that I love you.”

  Jack tilted his head. He misheard that, right? “You love me and pleaded for my life to the man who is going to kill me over losing millions of dollars?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Not exactly as in you didn’t plea for him to spare my life, or not exactly do you love me?”

  She giggled and the sound was like music to his ears. “I plea bargained for him to spare you and he agreed to my terms since I do love you. Not your money, not your car, you, Jack.”

  He smiled and debated a moment. “So what are the terms?” He couldn’t understand his father taking things so well—especially the loss
of millions of dollars.

  “Well, I am going to be pulling together the paperwork for a small punitive settlement for my clients.”

  “And my father agreed to this?””

  “Yes, trust me, he fired Anthony thank heavens—before he hit the court house steps. Also, in sparing your life, I took him to the neighborhood. While we were there, he too liked the park and thought a small community center might be good for the kids.”

  Jack’s heart warmed. He really liked the idea a lot. After all, he did own the land; he might as well do some good. “Now that is a project I can get behind. I know it would make you happy and Abby, I want to make you happy. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I really like what we have—I know a community center would make a difference.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she smiled. “Your father thought so too. He apparently had humble beginnings.”

  Closing the distance between them, he cupped her face in his hands. “You changed my life the day you hopped onto that bus.”

  She nodded and gazed at his lips before she lifted her blue eyes to his again. “And you changed mine the day you hopped off to chase me. Maybe you should wear the bunny outfit.”

  Chuckling, he tilted his head to the side. “Spend longer than tonight with me and I just might.”

  Abby flashed him a mischievous grin. “I plan on spending a lot of nights with you—starting tonight.”

  Jack wiggled his brows. “I was hoping you’d say that.” Lowering his lips to hers, he kissed her and knew that he may have lost the court case, but he had won something much more precious. The future of Gibson Street was promising, as much as his future with Abby.


  Out Now!

  Frog Tale

  Prince Luciano Mercury is doomed. The arrogance and blatant rudeness of youth combined with the attitude of being infallible has sentenced him to the curse of a witch. Instead of being hot and happy, he is turned into a wounded frog with no chance of survival. Then Chloe came along and his world changed forever.

  Chloe Starling knows there are no such things as dragons. However one has haunted her worst nightmares for years. Her belief in fairy tales got laid to rest as a child but when a handsome prince walks into her family’s home she can’t help but wonder if he is the pet frog she kissed.